Professor Dr Ali Abdel-Razzaq Al-Taher, teaching in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Kerbala, participated in holding a scientific symposium at the Hilla Electricity Training Center, tagged (The best integration of hybrid generation units with the Iraqi electricity network)
For researchers, Professor Dr Ali Abdul Razzaq Abbas Al-Tahir and Mr. Ahmed Rahim Ali Al-Shammari, during which they presented a study of one of the feeders of the Holy Karbala electricity distribution network, 71bus System.
Which included two main axes:
The first axis / deals with a detailed explanation of the highest-load feeders in the distribution network through the use of data extracted by the researcher in the operation department, along with an explanation of the programs approved in the software division, and identifying the highest-load feeder in terms of voltage drop as well as load and current.
The second axis / dealt with how to install generating sources and capacitors in separate and multiple ways and in cases and scenarios, through which the researcher achieved to reduce real and imaginary losses in the network and improve voltages, which leads to reducing economic costs